Lernziele: I can understand the significance of the 1st of May in Germany and it's influence on the culture.
Bräuche am 1. Mai
Der 1. Mai ist ein ganz besonderer Tag in Deutschland, denn die Menschen begrüßen das Blühen in der Natur mit Tanz, Feuer, Bowle und geschmückten Bäumen.
Der 1. Mai ist der Tag der Arbeit - the day of work, or the day which celebrates workers. Many demonstrations take place to fight for better rights and conditions for workers.
Mai ist der Monat der Liebe - May is the month for love; it signals the end of winter and many customs and traditions involve coupling, marriage, and the revealing of special feelings for each other.
Der 1. Mai ist auch Walpurgisnacht - The night for witches to dance, sing, and drink! Large bon fires are lit, and it's prime time for young people to play pranks.
Create a table with three columns labeled Tag der Arbeit, Mai - Monat der Liebe, Walpurgisnacht. Please take notes on the three resources. Be ready to discuss these notes with a group. Please write down 5-8 new vocabulary words you learn along the way.
Person 1: Here is an article about the traditions of "Tag der Arbeit". http://germanculture.com.ua/german-holidays/may-day-in-germany/
Person 2: Here are some pictures from around Germany on 1. Mai. *This resource is the most challenging to use. https://www.dw.com/de/br%C3%A4uche-am-1-mai/a-19233524
Person 3: Here is an article about Walpurgisnacht. http://germanculture.com.ua/german-traditions/walpurgisnacht-walpurgis-night/
When you are finished, share back to your table group what you learned. You should complete your table / sheet of notes before class ends. If you are not done, dann hast du Hausaufgaben!
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