Friday, November 30, 2018


Guten Tag! Today you will be watching Christmas / Holiday videos and writing about your opinions. In your German folder, I have shared with you "Musik Mittwoch Tabelle" and "Copy of Weihnachtslieder". You will view the PPT and type up your work in the table. The musical phrases are posted below to help you express your opinion.

If there is time, you should practice your "Du hast ein'n Freund in mir" with a buddy. Danke!

Musik Phrasen

            Dieses Lied gefällt mir!                                                I like this song!
            Ich mag das Video.                                                    I like the video.
Ich habe den Liedtext verstanden.                            I understood the lyrics.
Das bringt mich zum Tanzen!                                      That makes me dance!
            Ich will dieses Lied hören, bis ich sterbe.                    I want to hear this song till I die.
            Das ist das beste Lied,                                                This is the best song
dass ich jemals gehört habe.                         I’ve ever heard.
Ich finde dieses Lied…            schön.                         I find this song…          pretty.
                                                                melodisch.                                                      melodic.
                                                            rhythmisch.                                                      rhythmic.
                                                            schnell.                                                            quick.
                                                            fröhlich.                                                           happy.
                                                            sentimental.                                                    sentimental.
            Ich finde dieses Video…         farbenfroh.                  I find this video…         colorful.
                                                             inspirierend.                                                      inspirational.
                                                             interessant.                                                      interesting.
                                                             wunderschön.                                                 beautiful.
                                                             gelungen.                                                        successful.
                                                             witzig.                                                               funny.
            Die Musik war gut, aber ich habe                               The music was good, but I didn’t
                        nichts verstanden!                                                      understand anything!
            Ich wünsche mir, das ich das Live                              I wish  I saw this live!
                        gesehen habe!


            Das ist nicht mein Musikstil.                                          That’s not my music style.
            Dieses Lied gefällt mir nicht.                                        I don’t like this song.
            Mir gefällt die Musik von ____ besser.                          I like the music from ____ better.
            Die Musik war schlecht, aber                                     The music was bad but the video                  das Video war gut.                                                     was good.
            Ich finde dieses Lied…            depressiv.                   I find this song…          depressing.
                                                            melancholisch.                                               melancholic.
                                                            langweilig.                                                       boring.
                                                            langsam.                                                         slow.
            Ich finde dieses Video…         komisch.                      I find this video…         strange.
                                                             monoton.                                                         monotous.
                                                             uninteressant.                                                  uninteresting.

Ich finde den Sänger/die Sängerin attraktiv.                         I find the singer attractive!
Die Haare des Sängers war sehr schön.                                 The singer’s hair was beautiful.
Die Kleider waren schön.                                                        The clothes were beautiful.
Ich will ihn/sie zum Essen einladen!                                         I want to invite him/her to dinner!
Ich will mehr von ihm/ihr hören!                                              I want to hear more from him/her.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Deutschnamen! Subjects!

Hallo! Wie heisst du in der Deutschklasse?

Alte deutsche Mädchennamen

Alte deutsche Jungennamen

Nun, lernen wir Faecher! Write down 15 subjects.  Make sure you write down subjects that correspond with your schedule plus some extras that you are interested in / might take in the future.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Deutsches Schulsystem

Hallo! Wir sind wieder da.

Hey - Du hast ein Freund in mir

Wir lernen heute über das deutsche Schulsystem. After this class, you will know how it works, how many years students attend school, and about the overall system in the 16 German states?

Im Notizbuch:

1. Copy this graphic into your notes (it doesn't have to be exact, but you need the years and the terms).

2. Schau dieses Video an: German School System. Can you match the English terms in the video to the German terms in the graphic above?

3. Each state in Germany has it's own educational system, yet they are all similar if not the same. We will learn about the school system in Hessen. Can you find it on the map?
Schau dieses Video an: Das hessische Schulsystem & Answer these questions.

  A. Wie alt sind die Kinder im Kindergarten?
  B. Wie alt sind die Kinder in der Grundschule?
  C. Was lernen die Kinder in der Grundschule?
  D. Wie alt sind die Kinder in der Hauptschule? What can these students do after they get their   diploma?
  E. Wie alt sind die Kinder in der Realschule? What can these students do after they get their       diploma?
  F. Wie alt sind die Kinder im Gymnasium (the diploma is called das Abitur)? What can these   students do after they get their diploma?

Based on what you know now, which secondary school (after the Grundschule) would you attend, based on your career path?

4. Wir lesen den Artikel:  German School System
  A. Read the overview in English. Add to your notes 3 more facts about the German school system.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Deutsche Weihnachtslieder

REMINDER: Due today - Reading assignment from Montag. Put in the bin!

Hallo! We have a new tradition of having a World Languages Winter Concert! This year it will be on the 13th (Donnerstag) of December. Each class will sing 1-2 songs in German.

The songs can be about winter, Christmas, or just a fun song that's easy to learn that you want to perform.

With your earbuds in (bitte), please go onto youtube and watch:


Du hast ein Freund in mir

Write down which 3 songs you are most interested in learning. You can also suggest a new song I haven't mentioned.

Turn this in on a half sheet of paper in the bin before class ends. Danke!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

15. November

Heute üben wir das Verb können! Ich denk', ich kann. Ich denk', ich kann.....

I. Verben! Hast du gezeichnet?
 Please take out your verb drawings. Danke!

II. Übersetze die Sätze von Deutsch ins Englisch mit einem Tischpartner / einer Tischpartnerin. Please translate the sentences from German into English with your Tischpartner.

Guten Tag! Ich heiβe Pia und ich komme aus Wien. Wien ist in Österreich! Ich bin 17 Jahre alt. Ich kann gut Fuβball spielen und singen aber ich kann Gitarre nicht spielen. Schade! Ich bin eine Schülerin. Meine Deutschlehrerin ist Frau Rombauer. Mein Lieblingsfilm ist "Schwarzer Panther"!

III. Bayern ist schee! Wir sehen ein Video. Was kannst du in Bayern machen?
We will watch this video and check off what you see. What can you do in Bayern?

IV. SPIEL:  Vokabeln mit Partnern

Hast du gewonnen? oder hast du verloren?