Thursday, December 7, 2017

7. Dezember

Familien Stammbaum Praesentation: Now prepare your Family Tree presentations. You will be required to write about 6 members of your real or made up family and present it. You must also create a visual either by drawing your family on a piece of construction paper (no stick figures) or by creating a power point.

Your presentation must describe 6 people in these ways:
Wie heisst die Person?
Wo wohnt die Person?
Wie sieht die Person aus?
Was macht die Person gern?
A – Advanced 95%
B – Proficient 85%
C – Intermediate75%
D – Novice 65%
F – Beginner 55%
·      Talks about 6 family members and about themselves
·      Comprehensible and little or no mistakes in pronunciation
·      Goes above and beyond – incorporating new vocabulary accurately
·      Creativity while presenting
·      Sentence structure accurate
·      Visual is labeled accurately in German

·      Talks about 6 family members
·      Comprehensible even though little mistakes are made
·      Answers 4 questions per person
·      Creativity while presenting
·      Mostly accurate sentence structure
·      Visual is labeled accurately in German
·      Talks about <6 family members
·      Mostly comprehensible
·      Does not fully answer questions or does not ask all the questions
·      Creativity might impede your communication
·      Sentence structure creates confusion
·      Visual is labeled in German but is sometimes inaccurate

·      Talks about <6 family members
·      Sometimes incomprehensible
·      Lack of care or effort apparent
·      Does not fully answer questions or does not ask all the questions
·      Does not have a visual
·      Sentence structure creates confusion

·      Incomplete
·      Incomprehen-sible
·      Speaks French
·      Doesn’t take the task seriously.
·      No visual

*Any student that does not present automatically receives an F - 50%

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