Monday, March 26, 2018

Mahlzeiten und Hoeflichkeit


Wir lesen heute ueber Mahlzeiten und Hoeflichkeit in Deutschland - meals and manners!

Auf einem Blatt Papier, braucht ihr 3 Kategorien:

Deutschland, USA, gemeinsam.    Gemeinsam = same

Wir machen uns Notizen ueber die Mahlzeiten, Essen, und Hoeflichkeit. Was ist anders? Was ist gleich? Take notes on the unique items you read about, compare that to your native country. Then breakdown what the two have in common.

Hier ist der Link:

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Essen UND Schokolade!

Hallo Leute,

wir lernen heute ein bisschen ueber die Speisen (dishes) in Deutschland. Dann, hoeren wir ein Lied ueber Schokolade. Wow, so ein toller Tag!

Hier ist das Video ueber deutsche Gerichten: For Butter oder Wurst - 2006

Dann, hoeren wir ein neues Lied ueber Schokolade:

Friday, March 16, 2018


Jetzt lernen wir über Gerichte und Speisen in Deutschland.

Partner 1:   Klick hier Käsespätzle

Partner 2:  Klick hier Waffeln

Partner 3:  Klick hier  Apfelkuchen

Extra Video: Klick hier  Kartoffelsalat

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Wir vergleichen die Preise von Lebensmittel in Deutschland.
Let's compare grocery prices at supermarkets in Germany.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Wetterbericht Projekt

Wetterberichte!                                                           Wir heiβen___________________________

In Gruppen von 2-3 Personen:
Wir schreiben und präsentieren einen Wetterbericht für Europa. Wir beschreiben mindestens 5 Städte in den Ländern. Wir bezeichnen die Temperatur und Zustände in jeder Stadt. Wir benutzen mindestens 10 Wetterbegriffe.  Wir sprechen über die aktuelle Jahreszeit in dem Land auch. Jede Person muβ sagen, was sie / er machen soll und will. Wir gratulieren auch mindestens 3 Personen zum Geburtstag (mit Daten!! zB am ersten Januar hat Bieber Geburtstag!).  

In groups of 2-3, we will write and present a weather report for Europe. We will describe at least 5 cities in Europe. We will note the temperature and the conditions in each city. We will use at least 10 weather terms. We will speak about the current season in the country too (you may choose the season). Every person must say what they want to do and should do (given the weather conditions). At the end, you must also say who has a birthday for the week (3 different people, 3 dates).

Start by watching this video:

I have used 8 weather terms and have said 8   temperatures in Celsius accurately. Everyone has spoken equally in my group. I have talked about 8+ cities in a Europe. Cities are in German. Everyone has said what they want and should do, according to the weather. I have spoken accurately and fluently. My project is unique and creative! We are enthusiastic! Wir lieben Deutsch!
I have used 5 weather terms and have said 5 temperatures in Celsius accurately. Everyone has spoken equally in my group. I have talked about 5 cities in Europe. Cities are in German. Everyone has said what they want and should do, according to the weather. I have spoken accurately and fluently, although I sound American and might make a couple of mistakes . My project is creative and fun.
I have used 3-4 weather terms and have mentioned 3-4 temperatures in Celsius. Speaking parts were distributed unevenly. I have talked about 3-4 cities in Europe. Some cities are not in German or are said incorrectly. Not everyone has said what they want and should do, according to the weather. When I speak, I sometimes don’t make sense or my speech is hesitant. My project is boring.
I have used 1-2 weather terms and have mentioned 1-2 temperatures in Celcius. Speaking parts were distributed unevenly. I have talked about 1-2 cities in Europe. Many cities are not in German or are said incorrectly. Not everyone has said what they want and should do, according to the weather. When I speak, I  don’t make sense or my speech is very hesitant. I did not put much effort into the concept of my project.
I am missing major components of the project or I did not present.