Hausaufgaben: Finish Cognate story
Write a cognate story! We will share these in class tomorrow. No need to type or share with me.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
27. September
Hausaufgaben: nichts!
Adjektiven - Let's learn the adjectives. Fill out your list as you watch the power point presentation.
Adjektiven - Let's learn the adjectives. Fill out your list as you watch the power point presentation.
Monday, September 25, 2017
25. September
Hausaufgaben: Study for your quiz on Wednesday.
Meine Stadt! Share your facts with your group. Group members, write down one fact about each city you hear.
Deutsche Bundeslaender - let's mark our cities on a map.
Oesterreich Video:
Write down 5 interesting facts about what you hear.
K.1-2 Paket - Finish your packet.
Meine Stadt! Share your facts with your group. Group members, write down one fact about each city you hear.
Deutsche Bundeslaender - let's mark our cities on a map.
Oesterreich Video:
Write down 5 interesting facts about what you hear.
K.1-2 Paket - Finish your packet.
Friday, September 22, 2017
22. September
Pick your dream city in Germany. It must be a bigger city. Nothing too obscure please.
Then, gather 3 important facts regarding this city. The facts could be related to the culture or history or industry of the city. Nothing boring - population, etc.
Be ready to present these facts to groups on Monday!
Pick your dream city in Germany. It must be a bigger city. Nothing too obscure please.
Then, gather 3 important facts regarding this city. The facts could be related to the culture or history or industry of the city. Nothing boring - population, etc.
Be ready to present these facts to groups on Monday!
Heute im Unterricht:
Buchstabieren! Practice spelling German cities and the coutries' names surrounding Germany.
s. 20-21 Laender und Staedte - Let's talk about countries and cities in Europe and around the world.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
21. September
Hausaufgaben: Nichts!
Let's throw the ball around and answer some questions to review:
Wie heisst der Junge? das Maedchen? die Lehrerin?
Woher kommst du? Wie alt bist du?
Das Alphabet: Here are some songs to help you
Let's practice spelling:
Vorname first name
Familienname last name
Alter age
Strasse street
Let's throw the ball around and answer some questions to review:
Wie heisst der Junge? das Maedchen? die Lehrerin?
Woher kommst du? Wie alt bist du?
Das Alphabet: Here are some songs to help you
Let's practice spelling:
Vorname first name
Familienname last name
Alter age
Strasse street
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
20. September
Hausaufgaben: Nichts!
Wie heisst er/ sie / es?
der Junge heisst ____________
die Lehrerin heisst ___________ *der Lehrer for masculine teacher
das Maedchen heisst ___________
Das Alphabet A-F
Wie heisst er/ sie / es?
der Junge heisst ____________
die Lehrerin heisst ___________ *der Lehrer for masculine teacher
das Maedchen heisst ___________
Das Alphabet A-F
Monday, September 18, 2017
18. September
Entry Task: Write the answer to the questions in German.
1. Wie viele Maedchen sind wir? dreizehn
2. Wie viele Jungen sind wir? vierzehn
3. Wie viele Tafeln gibt es hier? drei
4. Wie viele Buecher gibt es hier? sechsundvierzig
5. Wie viele Volkswagen gibt es hier? null
6. Wie viele Schueler gibt es an NCHS? tausendzweihundert
Du liegst mir im Herzen:
Wo ist das? Das ist da! Using your classroom sheet, ask where is the ______? Partners answer by saying that is there! Point out the different classroom objects.
Die Zahlen: Partnerarbeit - work with your partner to connect the dots on the picture
Guten Morgen! Wie heisst du? Ich heisse ________
Wie heisst er? sie?
Wie alt bist du? Ich bin _________ Jahre alt.
Wie alt ist er? sie?
Sie = she, Er = he
Das Alphabet! We will start on this on Wednesday :)
Die Buchstaben:
1. Wie viele Maedchen sind wir? dreizehn
2. Wie viele Jungen sind wir? vierzehn
3. Wie viele Tafeln gibt es hier? drei
4. Wie viele Buecher gibt es hier? sechsundvierzig
5. Wie viele Volkswagen gibt es hier? null
6. Wie viele Schueler gibt es an NCHS? tausendzweihundert
Du liegst mir im Herzen:
Wo ist das? Das ist da! Using your classroom sheet, ask where is the ______? Partners answer by saying that is there! Point out the different classroom objects.
Die Zahlen: Partnerarbeit - work with your partner to connect the dots on the picture
Guten Morgen! Wie heisst du? Ich heisse ________
Wie heisst er? sie?
Wie alt bist du? Ich bin _________ Jahre alt.
Wie alt ist er? sie?
Sie = she, Er = he
Das Alphabet! We will start on this on Wednesday :)
Die Buchstaben:
Friday, September 15, 2017
15. September
Hausaufgaben: nichts!
Klassenzimmer Schnitzeljagd - let's find some new vocabulary in the classroom!
Klassenzimmer Schnitzeljagd - let's find some new vocabulary in the classroom!
Thursday, September 14, 2017
13. - 14. September
Hausaufgaben: Nummer Puzzle - finish if it's not done!
Wir lernen die Zahlen 21-100
Zwanzig - einundzwanzig - zweiundzwanzig.....
Dreissig - einunddreissig - zweiunddreissig...... *ss = "s" set aka that funny "b" thing
Vierzig - einundvierzig - zweiundvierzig...
Fuenfzig - einundfuenfzig - zweiundfuenfzig...
Sechzig - einundsechzig - zweiundsechzig...
Siebzig - einundsiebzig - zweiundsiebzig...
Achtzig - einundachtzig - zweiundachtzig...
Neunzig - einundneunzig - zweiundneunzig...
Tausend = 1000
Million = 1.000,000
Milliard = 1,000.000,000
Billion = trillion!
Wie alt bist du? How old are you?
Ich bin ________ Jahre alt. I am ______ years old
Wer ist das? Who is that? Das ist _________
Wer bist du? Who are you? Ich bin _________
Easy German - Introduce Yourself:
Laufen - running
Einkaufen - shopping
Eis Essen - eating ice cream
mit Freunden abhaengen
Gewichte heben - lifting weights
Family: Ich habe einen Bruder / eine Schwester
im Klassenzimmer: Find the labeled classroom objects! Translate the words and / or draw them as you discover them.
Wir lernen die Zahlen 21-100
Zwanzig - einundzwanzig - zweiundzwanzig.....
Dreissig - einunddreissig - zweiunddreissig...... *ss = "s" set aka that funny "b" thing
Vierzig - einundvierzig - zweiundvierzig...
Fuenfzig - einundfuenfzig - zweiundfuenfzig...
Sechzig - einundsechzig - zweiundsechzig...
Siebzig - einundsiebzig - zweiundsiebzig...
Achtzig - einundachtzig - zweiundachtzig...
Neunzig - einundneunzig - zweiundneunzig...
Tausend = 1000
Million = 1.000,000
Milliard = 1,000.000,000
Billion = trillion!
Wie alt bist du? How old are you?
Ich bin ________ Jahre alt. I am ______ years old
Wer ist das? Who is that? Das ist _________
Wer bist du? Who are you? Ich bin _________
Easy German - Introduce Yourself:
Laufen - running
Einkaufen - shopping
Eis Essen - eating ice cream
mit Freunden abhaengen
Gewichte heben - lifting weights
Family: Ich habe einen Bruder / eine Schwester
im Klassenzimmer: Find the labeled classroom objects! Translate the words and / or draw them as you discover them.
Der Bleistiftspitzer
Der Tisch
Der Locher
Der Schreibtisch
Der Kuli
Der Bleistift
Der Schrank
Der Fußboden
Der Fernseher
Der Computer
Der Hefter
Die Tafel
Die Uhr
Die Stereoanlage
Die Fahne
Die Landkarte
Die Schere
Die Schultashe
Die Tür
Das Wörterbuch
Das Fenster
Das Telefon
Das Papier
Das Buch
Das Heft
Das Klassenzimmer
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
11. September
Hausaufgaben: Nichts! Make sure you read the course expectations by the end of the week. Also, get a German notebook or designate a portion of your binder to German notes.
Guten Morgen / Guten Tag / Gruess Gott / Servus
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse ________
Schoen dich zu sehen!
Auf Wiedersehen / Tschuess / Servus
Singen: Let's sing some songs!
Ich bin Auslaender und spreche nicht gut Deutsch. Bitte langsam, bitte langsam! Bitte sprechen Sie ganz langsam.
Es ist Montag, tut mir leid! Die Schule faengt an!
Wo sprechen sie Deutsch? Let's review the map and see where they speak German in Europe.
Die Zahlen! Let's learn the numbers:
0 null
1 eins
2 zwei
3 drei
4 vier
5 fuenf
6 sechs
7 sieben
8 acht
9 neun
10 zehn
Partnerarbeit: Let's practice with a partner:
Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? Wie ist deine Hausnummer? Wie ist deine Postleitzahl?
Write your answers on the white boards / your desk :)
Guten Morgen / Guten Tag / Gruess Gott / Servus
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse ________
Schoen dich zu sehen!
Auf Wiedersehen / Tschuess / Servus
Singen: Let's sing some songs!
Ich bin Auslaender und spreche nicht gut Deutsch. Bitte langsam, bitte langsam! Bitte sprechen Sie ganz langsam.
Es ist Montag, tut mir leid! Die Schule faengt an!
Wo sprechen sie Deutsch? Let's review the map and see where they speak German in Europe.
Die Zahlen! Let's learn the numbers:
0 null
1 eins
2 zwei
3 drei
4 vier
5 fuenf
6 sechs
7 sieben
8 acht
9 neun
10 zehn
Partnerarbeit: Let's practice with a partner:
Wie ist deine Telefonnummer? Wie ist deine Hausnummer? Wie ist deine Postleitzahl?
Write your answers on the white boards / your desk :)
Thursday, September 7, 2017
7. September
Hausaufgaben: Students and Parents / Guardians read course expectations on the blog. Finish your "VW bugs" / add color
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse Frau Rombauer. Schoen dich zu sehen!
Geburtstage - Wann hast du Geburtstag?
Volkswagen -
Wie heisst du? Ich heisse Frau Rombauer. Schoen dich zu sehen!
Geburtstage - Wann hast du Geburtstag?
Volkswagen -
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Course Expectations
Willkommen! Please read the following information
about the course, then sign and return the form on the last page of this
document. I look forward to a fun and productive year exploring German language
and culture with you and am truly happy that you have chosen German.
Course Goals & Content
In this course, we will learn basic communication skills through reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities in German. The culture, literature, and history of German speaking countries will also be our vehicles delivering authentic opportunities to flex our language skills. We will study the customs, habits, interests, and activities of German speaking countries. Our text book, Portfolio Deutsch 1, will guide use through a thematic introduction to the German language. We will also interact online through educational sources and social media.
In this course, we will learn basic communication skills through reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities in German. The culture, literature, and history of German speaking countries will also be our vehicles delivering authentic opportunities to flex our language skills. We will study the customs, habits, interests, and activities of German speaking countries. Our text book, Portfolio Deutsch 1, will guide use through a thematic introduction to the German language. We will also interact online through educational sources and social media.
The class uses a
combination of whole class and small group instruction, art, music, stories,
cooking, games, and drama to provide fun and engaging learning opportunities.
Class will be conducted primarily in German, and a strong emphasis is placed on
oral language. The language is taught in context and through active use in the
Course Texts
& Materials
The textbook for German 100 is Portfolio Deutsch Level 1. A classroom set will be provided for use at school. Online exercises will be provided on my website and our blog or
The textbook for German 100 is Portfolio Deutsch Level 1. A classroom set will be provided for use at school. Online exercises will be provided on my website and our blog or
Course Grading
Grades will be determined by your performance in the
following areas:
Homework (5%) Reading (10%) Writing
(10%) Listening (10%) Speaking (15%) Presentations/Projects/Tests
Final grades will be calculated as follows:
= 93-100
= 80-82
= 67-69
= 90-92
= 77-79
= 60-66
= 87-89
= 73-76
= 0-59
= 83-86
= 70-72
The only way to learn a language is
to use the language.
Participation in this course consists of preparation,
attendance, and active involvement in class. In order to be able to
participate, it is essential that you arrive on time and prepared for class,
having completed all homework assignments and with books and materials in hand.
If you have not completed the homework and/or do not have your books and
handouts with you, you will be lost in class and your participation grade will
suffer. During class, activities
will be designed for active learning and practice. You will work with
other students in class on such tasks as interviewing, reporting, describing,
narrating, and so forth. To use the class time effectively, you must actively
participate in activities. You are encouraged and expected to
communicate in German, to positively contribute to activities, work
collaboratively with others, and take notes when necessary. Do not engage in side conversations! If
you engage in side conversations, especially in English, your participation
grade will be affected.
Students can expect an average of approximately 20 minutes
of homework several nights a week. Homework assignments may include vocabulary
study, online learning activities and games, social interactions in an online
setting, grammar exercises, and brief written compositions.
assessments are great ways for students and the teacher to find out what the
learner knows in real time. Quizzes will be given on a regular basis in order
to enhance feedback on learning. It is not uncommon to have a quiz every day. Quizzes
will happen unannounced so it is important to be present in class and ask lots
of questions if you don’t understand something.
& Projects
Throughout the year you
will have opportunities to enhance and demonstrate your skills in German by
completing projects and presentations, both individually and in teams. Projects
and presentations will be based on classroom material but may require you to
conduct some outside research using additional resources from the school library,
the Internet, and/or the greater community.
Chapter tests will be administered at
the completion of each chapter of the textbook. These will be announced in
advance and listed on the course website along with the homework assignments.
For Your Information:
There will be weekly opportunities to give me
feedback on what you have learned and what is working or not working for you. I
look forward to personalizing your learning experience.
I follow the school policy on attendance, which you
read and signed off on in your student handbook. If you are absent, you are
responsible for finding out what you missed and rescheduling any missed quizzes
or tests. The easiest way to do this is to check the classroom blog. You can
find this link on my school website.
Late Work
All assignments are due at the beginning of class
on the due date. Late work will not receive credit unless you were excused
from school for the entire day on the
date the assignment was due
I am always happy to meet with you. You may make an
appointment to see me before school at WHS and after school at NCHS. My room
number is 227 at WHS and 2138 at NCHS. My e-mail address is
Please post your name below in the comments section to verify that you and your parents / guardians have read the German 100 course syllabus and understand what is expected of students.
Herzlich Willkommen!
My name is Katie Rombauer and I will be teaching the NCHS 100 class this year. I am so excited to meet you all and I am so happy you chose German.
Our class will follow the NCHS bell schedules. I will also be teaching at Woodinville High School this year during first period.
If you need to meet with me, we will set up appointments for the end of the school day.
Please don't hesitate to contact me! My email is
We will use Portfolio Deutsch as our textbook this year. Supplemental Materials for our textbook Portfolio Deutsch are located here.
Vielen Dank und ich freue mich auf das neue Schuljahr!
Katie Rombauer
My name is Katie Rombauer and I will be teaching the NCHS 100 class this year. I am so excited to meet you all and I am so happy you chose German.
Our class will follow the NCHS bell schedules. I will also be teaching at Woodinville High School this year during first period.
If you need to meet with me, we will set up appointments for the end of the school day.
Please don't hesitate to contact me! My email is
We will use Portfolio Deutsch as our textbook this year. Supplemental Materials for our textbook Portfolio Deutsch are located here.
Vielen Dank und ich freue mich auf das neue Schuljahr!
Katie Rombauer
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